About my Blog

I am Viswapoorani, a qualified bioinformatic professional, now have prioritised to be a home maker and have developed my interests in cuisine and documentation of our family practices. My native is Tirunelveli (Nellai). Every time, I get wonder struck seeing the significant and historic traditions followed during the functions celebrated in Nellai. The variety of dishes served know, no limit. So, I aimed to create a logbook of these cuisines, customs and their significance in this blog. The interesting part is that I found these rituals and culinary practices promote women's health to a great deal. 

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous Coco Chanel

Wives are young mens mistresses, companions for middle age, and old mens nurses.Francis Bacon

There are many quotes which showcases womens bravery, smartness, love, ability to multitask and keep the show going. Women are viewed as superheroes. Being a superhero is not easy as it needs a lot of physical and mental strength. We have seen our mothers always being active as a kid  now being a mother myself am amazed to see my lovely mother as active as ever. This tenacity demands a lot of perseverance and resolution. In this ever changing world the wellness of a woman is of prime importance for her to be a great success as a student, a professional, a wife, a mother, and more importantly as a woman.

Womens well being must be taken care of from the day she is born. Proper nutrition must be given at right age and at right time for her to be healthy and strong. These include simple additions of foods in our daily cuisine which helps her to be reselient.

Once the little one starts the intake of solids, we must take special care to give a nutritious and wholesome diet. As the kid grows up it starts to taste all variety of food like chocolates, ice creams, snacks etc which maybe addictive and tasty but not so healthy. Lack of stamina makes the kid to be  weak, tired and inturn affects their development and future fitness too.When it comes to a girl's health special care must be given right from a young age because this will increase her ability to become strong in both mind and body. Some of the skipped or shortened rituals to suit one's convience and time, these may limit the desired results. Our ancestors had reasons in observing these and through this blog. I attempt to resusciate some of the lost practices and rekindle our glorious conventions. Solicit your feedback/ comments and with a lot of hope on you and humbly looking forward your participation to benefit all.

I plan to provide recipes for cuisines that are popular in Nellai, and known to aid in improvement women's health.

Stay tuned for these in this blog   


  1. Gr8 Initiative Poorani - hats off to Chitrakka . Wondering how you managed to make it - with the handful little princess ЁЯЦТ

  2. "Class" comes through sophistication in lifestyle .In this aspect the Saiva pillai community of Tirunelveli stands out having etched an enviable supremacy in everything.Be it culinary skills,Hospitality, Uncompromising religious rituals, Friendliness, Empathy etc.This most laudable effort of yours will be a great boon to the present and future generations and I hope there is more to come. Best wishes to you.


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