Ginger Extract Juice (Inji Charu)

Ginger Extract Juice (Inji Charu)


Ginger - one finger size
Honey - ¼ cup
Jaggery - a small piece
Dry grapes (kis mis) - 2tsp

  • Clean and scrape the ginger. Extract the juice. Wait till the sediments settle. 
  • Leave the white sediments and take only the clear ginger juice.
  • Heat a pan, keep the jaggery in the center.
  • Pour the honey over the jaggery, once it boils and raises up, add the ginger juice.
  • In few seconds, it will rise up again. Switch off the flame.
  • Add 2 tsp of dry grapes (kis mis) and stir well.

This should be taken on an empty stomach. This juice should be taken for 1 month or 3 weeks post childbirth, as it helps in digestion and tones the body. To this add mel podi on alternate days.

Note: If you are allergic to any of the above ingredients, kindly consult your medical professional before consumption.


  1. Replies
    1. Follow this link

  2. do you recommend to deep freeze and use for longer period?

    1. This extract should be taken everyday prepared fresh.-Poorani


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