Naming Ceremony

Naming Ceremony



Images taken from google

  • On an auspicious day (normally on the 16th day) the naming ceremony is performed. This function is conducted by the maternal grandparents.
  • Kodi or aranjanam will be brought from the maternal side. Baby Boy : Kodi ; Baby Girl : Aranjanam, bangles, sliver thandai and panchaloha thandai.
  • A manjal string (around the waist of the baby) which has been tied on the 3rd day of baby's birth will be replaced by a black string on this day (16th day).
  • The black string will contain a thayathu, a piece of umbilical cord (kept inside the thayathu), and a small key.
  • Thandai and bangles will be gifted by the paternal aunts.
  • Paternal grandparents will also gift some jewels like chain and bangles.
  • New garments are given to the parents and newborn by the maternal grandparents.
  • Paddy/ Rice should be spread on tray for writing the name of the child.
  • The baby is placed on the father's lap and the chosen name is written on the paddy/rice.
  • Father whispers the name in the right ear of the baby thrice. Mother also follow suit.
  • In a cup honey should be kept. A gold ring will be dipped in the honey and placed on the baby's tongue, allowing it to taste.
  • Kappu arasi will be offered in the pooja. The father announces the name to the guest,after the name is announced, it will be distributed.
  • The name is again whispered in the baby's right ear thrice by the grandparents.
  • Boondi will be distributed by the baby's paternal side.
  • A grand lunch is served after the ceremony.
  • As thamboolam, boondi packets are distributed.
  • After a month, the parents and baby make a visit to the temple.Archanai is performed in the name of the parents sans baby.
  • Till the completion of the 1st birthday, Archanai will not be performed for the child during temple visits.


  1. Very informative and nicely captured-Wil be a treasure for the future Generation

  2. Sprinkling of water & "Omam" are too in practice. Are those rituals an add on? or should those rituals form an integral part of the ceremony?

    1. They are a part of the pooja conducted in the naming ceremony. -Poorani


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