Ginger legiyam (Inji legiyam)

Ginger Legiyam (Inji Legiyam)


Ginger - ¼ kg
Daniya - 100g
Jeera - 100g
Dates - 10-15 pcs
Cow's ghee - 200g
Honey - 100g

  • Clean the ginger, scrape it. Dry it for sometime .Cut it into small pieces. Fry them in ghee.
  • In a pan, dry fry the jeera and daniya. Powder them.
  • Chop the dates into pieces.
  • In a mixie, add the fried ginger, powdered jeera, daniya and chopped dates. Grind them without water.
  • In a bowl, pour the ground mixture, add ghee to the mixture.
  • Finally add honey and mix them well.
  • They can be made into small balls.
This legiyam can be taken in the afternoon after lunch as it aides in digestion. It is recommended for everyone.

Note: If you are allergic to any of the above ingredients, kindly consult your medical professional before consumption.
