Medicine recommended after solid intake


Once the baby starts the intake of solids, the following medicine can be given for better digestion and prevention of cold.


Beetal leaf - ½ leaf
Garlic - 1
Pepper - 2 pcs
Asafoetida - a pinch
Jeera - a pinch
Ajwain - a pinch
Dry ginger/ ginger - very small piece

  • Grind all the above mentioned ingredients with little water.
  • Filter the extract.
  • Medicine is ready
  • It can be fed to the baby using the traditional pal adai or by ½ tsp spoon.

Image taken from google

  • Intially begin with ½ tsp of the extract. As the child grows increase the quantity of the ingredients.
  • After the 10th month, palm candy (panagal kandu) and dry grapes can be added .

Note: If the child is allergic to the any of the above ingredients, kindly consult your medical professional .


  1. Kindly share the youtube links or video links demo on use of Pal adai or changu


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