Traditional Oil bath

Traditional oil bath

The traditional oil which is used since many generations comprises of various elements which improve the health of the hair and body. We see various tips for hair growth nowadays like onion juice, ginger and so on. These ingredients are well combined in our traditional oil that our ancestors have recommended. Shikakai is also used to wash hair which makes the hair more healthy.  This oil bath is taken once or twice a week.

Preparation of oil


Gingeley oil - 1 cup
Small onions - 1 pc
Garlic - 1 pc
Cumin - ¼ tsp
Pepper - 3-4 pcs
Ginger - a small piece
Beetal leaf - 1
Curry leaves - a few


  • Grind the small onion ,ginger and garlic in a mixie without water or mash them well manually.
  • In a pan add oil, mashed onions, ginger and garlic, cumin, pepper, beetal leaf and curry leaves.
  • Heat the oil, once the ingredients starts to boil, you can enjoy the aroma.
  • Switch off the flame once the ingredients are boiled well in the oil.
  • Allow the oil to cool and filter it.
  • Apply this oil before hair wash.



Shikakai - 2 kg
Raw rice -¾ kg
Green moong dhal - 500 g
Fenugreek - 200 g

  • Dry all the ingredients in hot sun for 2-3 days.
  • Grind it and make fine powder.
  • Shikaki is ready
  • To make it more aromatic some ready-made fragrance packets are available in shops like rose petals, sandal etc. These can be added for additional aroma.
  • The above step is not mandatory it is added only for fragrance.

Note:If you are allegeric to any of the above ingredients, kindly consult your medical professional before use.
