Pidi Kolukattai

Pidi Kolukattai


Raw rice - 1cup
Coconut - ½ cup
Mustard seeds - ¼ tsp
Split urad seeds - ½ tsp
Curry leaves - a little
Asafoetida - a pinch
Salt to taste

  • Soak the raw rice for 2 hours.
  • Grind the soaked rice with coconut. Grind it coarse.
  • In a pan add oil, fry mustard seeds,urad dhal red chilli, curry leaves and asafoetida.
  • Allow it to splutter.
  • To the spluttering add the ground rice and coconut.
  • Add salt and stir.
  • If the mixture does not stick to wet hands switch the flame.
  • Make small kolukattai balls.
  • Steam the kolukattai balls in an idili plate.
  • Kolukattai is ready.


  1. May you kindly specify the quantiy of red chilli required in the ingredients?


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