Post Pregnancy

After Childbirth

Image taken from google

The long awaited and joyous moment of holding the little one has finally arrived. The joy of the mother know no bounds. Cuddling her baby across her bosoms for the first is an experience which is unforgettable. She looks at her baby in awe often forgetting herself. However, she needs to take absolute care of herself too.As at this stage her body undergoes physical and emotional changes. 
I take this opportunity to share some of the  general tips, practices and recipes of Nellai which are followed for the all round development of the mother and child.

They may include 
  • Healthy, nutritious and easily digestible diet. 
  • After lunch and dinner paan should be given (paan is made of beetal leaves, beetal nut (pakku),sunnambu(limestone),dates,gulkund and saffron). This aides in digestion.
  • Homemade legiyam should be taken in the night for 3 months. Water is not recommended after the consumption of legiyam.
  • Water should be consumed immediately after every meal. It can be avoided in-between as it may cause bloating of stomach.
  • Consumption of oats with garlic, aids in milk secretion.
  • Oil bath  is a must once or twice a week.
  • Applying tumeric powder while bathing gives a lot of resistance  to the mother and child (while feeding) .
  • To avoid any constipation figs are recommended.

Recipes followed at each day are given in the following post
